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About love __class 12 (Heritages of words)


Unit One : Love And Reminiscence 

About Love

 – Anton Chekhov

The Heritage of Words

""About Love "presents three dimensional romantic tales. The main love is of Nikanor and Palegeya, second is of Alyohin and a Russian young lady, and the third Alyohin and a wedded ladies Anna. The Love of Luganovich and Anna is one of the third parts. These three stories are the agents of the three classes of affection. The main story is a case of vicious romantic tale. The fundamental character-Nikanor-was lush, and strangely religious disapproved. At the appointed time of his stay in Alyolin's home, he went gaga for Palegeya. He instated that Palageya wedded him. At some point he used to beat her in his inebriated state to keep herself from her better half. She used to cover up under the bed of Alyohin. Second romantic tale is the materialistic love. The woman is worried about the cash as it were. Each time Alyohin held her in his arm, she used to request a months remittance. Third story, which is the primary story, is the unexpressed love. It displays a grouping of occasions in the life of Alyohin and his fascination towards Anna. As indicated by the story, Alyohin was an understudy and his dad was a rancher. Along these lines, his dad spent the sum required for his investigation at college. As a result of it, he was under water. To pay obligation Alyohin had no choices yet to come back to his ranch and toiled hard. Be that as it may, his craving to live acculturated life proceeded and to satisfy it, he remained up stairs, read a book, and drank alcohol yet it didn't keep going long. One night a cleric came and drank the entire of his alcohol. From that day onwards he gazed living first floor and dozed on the sledge (little cabin). Before he was here, he was selected as privileged judge around the local area. During his period, he interacted with a Luganovich, who shockingly welcomed Alyohin for supper in his home. When they were eating, he got a chance to see Anna. From the absolute first sight, he began to like her. He discovered her lovely, noteworthy and exquisite. Consequently, his first gathering with the woman reminded an extraordinary occasion. It was spring when he met her. In the mid year, he was in his ranch, however the memory of the woman remained. He wanted particularly to meet, yet couldn't meet until harvest time. In pre-winter, he went to the town where he met with Anna. She demonstrated her stress over Alyohin and communicated wonder at his condition. After the show was finished, he went to Anna house, conversed with her significant other, yet returned back as normal without admitting his adoration for her. After it he continued heading off to her home in his each visit to his town. At Anna's home, he was invited warmly and viewed as respectable individual. When he met her, she played piano with him, talked for quite a long time, yet their psyche stayed unexpressed. The Luganoviches now and then mentioned him not to falter in requesting any sort of assistance. He additionally did not waver in doing as such. Consequently he brought blessings from the town. Days go in similar ways; neither had they communicated love. Be that as it may, he began showing up in the conduct of Anna. She carried on in taunting (grinning) route with Alyohin-at his issue she valued him. Finally Anna needed to go to somewhere else for her psychological treatment. When it was the ideal opportunity for Anna's flight, Alyohin went into the condo of Anna. There their eyes met which brought about kissing each other, and communicating their adoration. In any case, their gathering did not result into their marriage. Alyohin got down in the following station, and there after they didn't meet. This story has a casing. At the outset the sky is dark and the trees are soaked. Nature is melancholy. At last, when the Alyohin dumps his heart about adoration, the sparkling sun shows up, after the precipitation. Alyohin recounts to this story in the middle of this edge to his two visitors: Burkin and Ivan."

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Significant Questions :

"1. What sorts of affection encounters are proposed by Alyohin in "About Love"?
. In "About Love" , three sorts of affection encounters are proposed by Alyohin. The first is the relationship among Nikanor and Pelageya. Their affection is arousing, regularly fierce. Despite the fact that there is no understanding between them, sexual enthusiasm ties them. Their affection isn't bound by conjugal connection. The second relationship is among Alyohin and a young lady when he was concentrating in the college. Despite the fact that Alyohin cherished her, she thought love as an approach to acquire cash. This relationship can be viewed as the ugliest where sex is traded with cash. The third relationship among Alyohin and Anna Alexeyevna can be named as unexpressed love or otherworldly love. Their heart meet, however being caught by white collar class ethical quality, their affection stays unexpressed. They penance their affection for all the more great. Alyohin penances his affection since he believes that it would acquire debacle the life of her youngsters, mother and spouse. Additionally, Alexeyevna does not express her affection believing that she wasn't youthful enough to live with him
 2. Sketch the Character of Alyohin.
 Alyohin, a single guy and a college graduate, lived in Sofinyo working labourously in his ranch. He needed to work in his ranch to pay the obligation that his dad had spent on his instruction. He wanted a cultivated living of the privileged yet couldn't bear the cost of it. Previously while he was a college understudy, he began to look all starry eyed at a young lady who just adored his cash. Since he was chosen privileged equity of the harmony, he regularly dropped by the neighborhood to partake in assizes and sessions. When he was welcome to the home of Luganovich to feast. There he met Anna Alexeyevna , matured 22 and wedded to Luganovich. They began to look all starry eyed at one another however couldn't express their adoration. They talked for quite a long time, went to the performance center together yet they separated icily whenever. Later Anna experienced apprehensive surrender and was sent to Crimea for treatment. During her flight, Alyohin had fortitude to admit his adoration and kissed her, yet needed to part with her eternity. Alyohin's vision of affection is formed by his own relationship. He believes that when individuals are enamored, they ask whether it is respectable or shocking , reasonable or dumb , and what their adoration will prompt . For him, this thinking is the wellspring of disappointment and disturbance. He believes that affection is an extraordinary riddle. When one is infatuated, one should begin love from higher, without thinking whether their adoration is sin or temperance, or whether it brings bliss or misery. As indicated by him to what degree individual satisfaction includes in adoration is dubious, it varies from individual to individual. Alyohin resembles a squirrel in an enclosure. He is caught by reason, working class profound quality and destitution. He is a man-of-thought. He fears to express his affection to Anna since he is a lot of astute about society's ethical models. He forfeits his adoration believing that his marriage to Anna Alexeyevna would demolish the lives of her, her kids, her mom and her significant other. He fears that he couldn't fulfill her in his nation house
 3. Sketch the Character of Anna Alexeyevna.
. Anna Alexeyevna is the principle female character in the story "About Love". She is a delightful and beguiling young woman matured twenty-two. She is hitched to Luganovich, right hand leader of the circuit court and matured more than forty. Her marriage to an elderly person can be viewed as the reason for her torment. Her sexual desire can't be satisfied by the man twofold her age. In this way, she attempts to get enthusiastic satisfaction from Alyohin which later transforms into affection. She is additionally caught in reason. She doesn't admit her adoration to Alyohin however she profoundly cherishes him since she fears society's ethical gauges. She additionally believed that she was not youthful and vivacious enough for him to start another wedded life. Later she turns into the casualty of anxious surrender in view of mental wretchedness and apprehension".

Question for Practice :
1. For what reason did Alyohin and Anna Alexeyevna disguise their adoration to one another?
 2. Clarify, "Love is distinctive in every circumstance".
3. Clarify, "Love isn't kept by conjugal relationship".

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